satellite communications

On-the-move communications and satcom

Vehicle-integrable solutions

oriented to environments where conventional infrastructure is lacking

Our Satellite Comms On The Move (SOTM) and static equipment provides the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

Our products comply with stringent railway, aeronautical and military standard certifications.

Specific solutions:


Our mobile broadband satellite communications terminals are integrated into Special Operations Force deployments.


Our mobility broadband satellite communications terminals are also integrated into manned and unmanned aircraft.


Wifi on board and digital services on trains. Internet services for public transportation users that we offer through satellite communications equipment in mobility (SOTM), along with the integral design and execution of the project.


A family of small, rugged and compact portable SATCOM terminals offering satellite connectivity anywhere with exceptional performance.

Other satellite communications solutions

Increases capabilities


of your organization

Do you need more information about our communication systems? Contact our specialists and they will advise you on what is best for your company.


+34 91 380 20 22

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Familia de terminales SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) para instalación vehicular y conexión estable en movilidad

SGoSat es una familia de terminales SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) de alta tecnología que se instalan en un vehículo, brindando la capacidad de apuntar y mantener una conexión estable con el satélite cuando el vehículo está en movimiento en cualquier tipo de condiciones.

La familia SGoSat está compuesta por terminales versátiles, que pueden instalarse en cualquier tipo de plataforma: trenes y buses, vehículos militares y / o gubernamentales, aeronaves, barcos, etc. Al haber sido diseñados originariamente para el sector militar, los terminales SGoSat son extremadamente fiables y robustos, ya que integran componentes de alto rendimiento que cumplen con las normativas medioambientales y EMI / EMC más exigentes. El producto utiliza antenas de bajo perfil y alta eficiencia, así como una unidad de posicionador y seguimiento de alto rendimiento, que permiten la operación del terminal en cualquier parte del mundo.

Con el fin de satisfacer las diversas necesidades de sus clientes, INSTER ha desarrollado terminales de banda única y terminales de doble banda en las frecuencias X, Ka y Ku.

La familia de terminales SGoSat también se puede configurar con una variada gama de radomos (incluidas opciones balísticas), adaptándose a los requisitos del cliente.


Familia de terminales SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) para instalación vehicular y conexión estable en movilidad

SGoPack es una familia de terminales SATCOM portátiles, compactos, ultraligeros y óptimos para el despliegue en fuerzas de operaciones especiales. Está diseñado para ser transportado por una única persona, como equipaje de mano, cumpliendo con los estándares IATA.

Los terminales SGoPack cumplen con los estándares militares más estrictos, incluyendo los requisitos de vibración y choque más exigentes, así como con el grado de protección IP67.

Es ideal para un despliegue rápido en entornos hostiles. Los terminales incluyen una pantalla con una interfaz de usuario sencilla e intuitiva que está integrada con el equipo y que permite un alineamiento inmediato. Está disponible en las bandas X, Ka y Ku con un rendimiento de antena extraordinario para el tamaño del terminal.


Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoSat is a family of high-tech SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) terminals that are installed in a vehicle, providing the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

The SGoSat family is composed of versatile terminals, which can be installed on any type of platform: trains and buses, military and/or government vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc. Originally designed for the military sector, SGoSat terminals are extremely reliable and robust, integrating high-performance components that comply with the most stringent environmental and EMI/EMC regulations. The product uses low-profile, high-efficiency antennas and a high-performance positioning and tracking unit, allowing the terminal to be operated anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the diverse needs of its customers, INSTER has developed single band and dual band terminals in X, Ka and Ku frequencies.

The SGoSat family of terminals can also be configured with a wide range of radomes (including ballistic options) to suit customer requirements.


Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoPack is a family of portable, compact, ultra-lightweight SATCOM terminals optimized for deployment in special operations forces. It is designed to be carried by a single person, as hand luggage, complying with IATA standards.

SGoPack terminals meet the most stringent military standards, including the most stringent vibration and shock requirements, as well as IP67 protection rating.

It is ideal for rapid deployment in hostile environments. The terminals include a display with a simple and intuitive user interface that is integrated with the equipment and allows for immediate alignment. It is available in X, Ka and Ku bands with outstanding antenna performance for the size of the terminal.