
Technology trends for the year 2024

Cloud |  Cybersecurity and Encryption |  Data & Analytics - Artificial Intelligence |  Simulation


Telecoms & High-tech

From Grupo Oesía we wanted to divide these technological trends in four main areas, according to our competence centers four main areas, according to our competence centers: Simulation, Cloud, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.. Lógicamente, estas tecnologías no funcionan como silos independientes, sino que poseen vasos comunicantes a través de los cuales se nutren unas de las otras, ampliando capacidades y ventajas.

We hope that these reflections will help all companies all companies can achieve the goals they have set for 2024, while contributing, in general terms, to the completion of our mission: to create a better, more efficient, safer and sustainable world.We hope that these reflections will help all companies to achieve the goals set for 2024, while contributing to our overall mission: to create a better, more efficient, safer and sustainable world.



Immersive Simulation: the use of Virtual Reality

Immersive simulation allows users to enter digital spaces through the use of Virtual Reality. Thanks to this type of simulation the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds are blurring, creating 360 experiences through the use of devices that bring greater realism to the interactions that occur in this realm.The boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds are blurring, creating 360 experiences through the use of devices that bring greater realism to the interactions that take place in this area. A determining factor that will enable the application of immersive simulation within companies is to enhance the degree of realism through high quality graphic elements.

. El uso de la realidad virtual inmersiva está ya presente en industrias como la de los videojuegos, en la que sus usuarios están acostumbrados a “entrar” en otros espacios para hacer su experiencia más auténtica. Sin embargo, su potencial va más allá del mundo del entretenimiento, gracias a su capacidad para create contexts that pose potential challenges that we must address, but without putting their users at any physical risk..

Integration of simulation with AI

When it comes to creating the complex scenarios we have to deal with, simulation has a great ally: Artificial Intelligence. AI-generated simulations allow companies to projecting scenarios where quick decision making is a key factor to be able to solve complex situations.situations, as well as advance what are the consequences consequences of each of these measures. In the field of manufacturing, the digital twins

are a clear example of how to use this integration. The complex industrial machinery is costly to build, and we must therefore be able to anticipate is costly and, therefore, we must be able to anticipate as far as possible its performance under certain stress situations and thus see how it would behave under these special circumstances.

Computational simulation

Another way in which companies can foster business growth is through computational simulation. Computational modeling has invaluable tools in mathematics, computer science and even physics. Reducing the resources and time required to bring a final product to market considerably streamlines processes, impacting all project phases.impacting all phases of projects.

But it does not only allow to improve the production or execution of services. Computational simulation is a important safety factor, This increased reliability makes it possible to identify possible failures, anticipate their impact and make decisions to avoid such situations. This increased reliability capacity is very relevant when we are analyzing highly complex systems with many interdependent elements.. Contar con análisis previos de posibles situaciones extremas sin tener que esperar a que se produzcan en la vida real puede marcar la diferencia entre superar o no una crisis en nuestra operativa diaria.

Simulation applied on a daily basis

It might seem that companies can only benefit from the application in their design production models. However, the potential of simulation can also be applied to concrete actions in our daily lives. For example, the education and training of professionals of professionals through simulators is of great importance in the evolution of professions as diverse as healthcare or security and defense agents. Another practical application of simulation is the improving the customer experience

of a company. As we saw previously, by blurring the physical and virtual boundaries, we can be closer to our users, without intrusion, but offering new personalized interactions based on their tastes and needs. We can even create virtual showrooms to be able to showcase our capabilities without having to travel to a trade show, eliminating material, personnel and time costs. In addition, virtual showrooms do not have limitations of dates or spaces, we have more control of what we can do and it is easier to replicate and adapt for our different audiences.



Edge computing

Users have been moving into the cloud for years now, both personally and professionally. However, sometimes we are not aware of where the data we are trying to access with our interactions is being processed. The main objective of edge computing is bring data processing as close as possible to the point from which it is generated, i.e. to the user.i.e. the user. The main advantage of edge computing is the speed

. Permite a los usuarios acceder a la información de forma mucho más directa. Además, con el Edge computing conseguimos también reduce latency timesThe latency reduction is key in situations where agile and accurate decision making is required. This latency reduction is key in situations where agile and accurate decision making is required. A military scenario or a connected car needs access to information quickly and reliably in order to be aware of any unforeseen events that may have occurred and to see which measure should be applied at any given moment.

Serverless computing

Related to the previous point, another trend that is gaining prominence is serverless computing. In this way it is the cloud service provider who allocates specific resources in an automated and dynamic manner. Este sistema de trabajo se ajusta al uso real de los recursos, encontrando las empresas un importante savings in their daily operations, since they only pay for what they use. Outsourcing of all cloud infrastructure management also allows an organization’s allows an organization’s developers to devote their time to generating greater business impact.

This saves them from having to deal with routine tasks. A way to optimize the resources available to companies, without having to increase their costs in training or hiring professionals.

Green cloud

Our society is aware of the environmental challenges we face. Access to vital goods for our livelihoods, such as water, is a growing challenge. There is no point in having more advanced technological capabilities if they end up reducing our access to resources necessary for our livelihoods. From this point of view, the green cloud, more than a trend, is a necessity and an obligation. By green cloud we mean those measures and services that measures and services that cloud technology can offer to companies in environmental terms.

. Si bien toda infraestructura cloud es beneficiosa, ya que nos ayuda a reducir hardware en nuestras operaciones o reducir los costes energéticos de nuestro día a día, adicionalmente, es conveniente contar con un buen plan de diseño para contar con energías renovables que sirvan de motor a los data center.

Multicloud environments

In certain circumstances, a company may choose to have more than one cloud platform, whether public, private or a combination of both. Being able to take advantage of the different benefits offered by each of them, while reducing possible risks that we may face in a cloud environment, is an essential factor for a company. great competitive advantage. Este uso de dos o más plataformas es lo que se conoce como multicloud.

With this strategy companies avoid the dependency that can result from relying on a single cloud application provider.. Al ser menos vulnerables en términos de dependencia, las empresas también se encuentran en una situación de poder que le permita negotiate rates and services on a peer-to-peer basis with your cloud providers. Además, podemos explotar las fortalezas de cada plataforma en base a las necesidades que nuestras diferentes áreas de negocio requieran en sus operaciones diarias. Toda estrategia que permita a los usuarios contar con una mayor flexibilidad será determinante para poder adaptar sus operaciones a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado.



Cyber security: post-quantum cryptography

The advent of quantum computers, based on the use of quantum mechanics to process data, has increased our capabilities exponentially, there is no doubt about that. The challenge we now face is how to establish security measures in the face of machines capable of decrypting conventional algorithms. that must protect our privacy and our most sensitive information.

Post-quantum cryptography is based on the fundamentals of quantum physics to ensure information security. It not only allows us to protect our data in a more secure way. It also serves to guarantee the integrity of our information. Implementing post-quantum cryptography will be a fundamental step in organizations around the world.. Deberán acometer planes de ejecución en el que van a convivir temporalmente sistemas cuánticos y no cuánticos, con las complejidades que eso implica. Contar con partners de confianza en estos procesos es un factor clave.

Blockchain and security in the supply chain.

Digitalization is already present in all economic sectors. That is why defense measures must be present in all aspects to ensure the proper functioning of operations. One of the most sensitive links in production operations are those related to supply chains, whose proper functioning is vital to any company’s business, especially in an international political context that is testing access to raw materials and strategic components.The proper functioning of supply chains is vital to any company’s business, especially in the current international political context, which is putting access to raw materials and strategic components to the test.

The supply chain involves a large number of actors and interactions, which generates great complexity. Blockchain technology, with its ability to record the different transactions that occur, is a very important ally. Its processing capacity makes it possible to identify whether information has been altered, as it leaves a clear record. Esta transparencia permitirá también una mayor confianza por parte de nuestros clientes en los productos y servicios que ofrecemos.

Endpoint safety

The design of large cybersecurity strategies should not only focus on how to secure the entire infrastructure of an organization. We must take a clear conception that risk has a much simpler entry point than we anticipate and many times it is enough for them to attack the weakest gateways: the Endpoints. By endpoints we mean any device in the organization, such as a laptop or a corporate cell phone

. Las empresas deben evaluar los riesgos a los cuales estos terminales se ven expuestos y la sensibilidad de los datos que almacenan. Una vez realizado ese análisis tienen que tomar las medidas que se correspondan en cada caso, como son antivirus, cortafuegos, medidas que prevengan la intrusión y herramientas de detección. Es fundamental ensure that the devices keep their software up to date at all times and use only legitimate software..

Zero Trust Strategy

An important strategy in order to establish an effective endpoint security strategy is based on the awareness of endpoint security professionals. awareness of the professionals. Un concepto clave en esta concienciación es el Zero Trust. Los ataques se han vuelto cada vez más sofisticados y lo que antes era distinguible de forma más evidente ahora ya no es tan obvio. Es decir, tenemos que asumir que no user or device is free from being attacked or unscathed in the event of a security crisis.. An example of Zero Trust action is the comprehensive authentication processes

to ensure that only the right people have access to sensitive information. Authorizations are therefore not granted by default, but the context becomes important. Continuous traffic inspection should be another important element in identifying anomalous behavior. The greater the number of tools for monitoring our activity in our daily tasks, the easier it will be to discover non-legitimate behavior. Because there is only one thing worse than suffering an attack: not being aware that we are under attack.


Artificial Intelligence

Reinforcement learning applied to digital twins

In the simulation section that we have previously analyzed, we have already referred to the potential of the use of Artificial Intelligence applied to digital twins. At this point we want to mention a concept that is key and that can be of great use to a number of organizations in different sectors: reinforcement learning.

Reinforcement learning promotes performance enhancement through continuous interaction. Las situaciones simuladas de forma constante consiguen ajustar su adiestramiento recompensando o penalizando cada una de las decisiones en tiempo real. De esta forma se produces a constantly evolving refinement that generates more flexible solutions in a shorter period of time, opening new doors to innovation and efficiency for companies that decide to implement this type of technology.opening new doors to innovation and efficiency for companies that decide to implement this type of technology.

Explainable AI (XAI) / Explainable Artificial Intelligence

In addition to being able to provide fast and accurate answers, we need to be able to understand the process that led to those decisions. In contrast to traditional AIs, which are characterized by their opacity, there emerges Artificial Intelligence Explainable (AIE) that focuses on the processes that lead to decision making.. This approach has a double advantage

. Por un lado, las empresas son más conscientes de cuáles han sido los mecanismos a través de los cuales se ha llegado a una decisión, generando una greater reliance on technology. Por otro lado, esta transparencia permite un greater ethical commitment of the organizations. Your audience less specialized in these processes will have a better understanding of your processes, and will be able to corroborate that there has been no bias derived from some kind of hidden discrimination.

AI applied to Recruitment

One of the greatest challenges facing companies is attracting talent. The growing difficulty in finding certain technological profiles can weigh down a company’s operations, with a decisive impact on its financial results. However, Human Resources departments are going to find in Artificial Intelligence a new ally in the recruitment of talent. be able to identify, attract and engage talent. Y todo ello in a much more efficient way. AI can be involved from its earliest stage, such as in the case of filtering of CVs

In many cases, this is a waste of valuable time for recruiters. Beyond these more tedious or administrative tasks, other more innovative techniques can be implemented, such as the conducting virtual interviews The use of IAs in an organization generally makes it more attractive to its employees and will help to reduce the number of professionals who leave for other organizations. The use of IAs in an organization, in general, makes it more attractive to its employees and will help to reduce the number of professionals who leave the organization for other organizations.

AI as a collaborative tool

Artificial Intelligence has already become part of the daily operations of any company. Little by little it has been integrated into the work processes of companies, redefining the relationship with our work and the way in which we carry out our tasks, also with other professionals in our organizations. Already, the possibility of eliminating the most routine tasks from teamwork eliminates potential conflict between employees.. Another way to facilitate collaboration is the natural language processing with constant evaluation of the communication between workers.

identifying patterns and dynamics that enable teams to be more efficient. Among other tasks, it can allocate the most suitable resources in an objective manner based on the results to be achievedThis tightened horizon of expectations results in a more efficient and effective management, eliminating arbitrary decisions that could affect the development of a project. This narrower horizon of expectations results in a a more cohesive team and a better working environment. En definitiva, una gran herramienta para todas aquellas empresas que quieran fomentar una cultura de colaboración en sus equipos.

Arnaud Marivain, Partner and Global Digital Director at Grupo Oesía

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Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoSat is a family of high-tech SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) terminals that are installed in a vehicle, providing the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

The SGoSat family is composed of versatile terminals, which can be installed on any type of platform: trains and buses, military and/or government vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc. Originally designed for the military sector, SGoSat terminals are extremely reliable and robust, integrating high-performance components that comply with the most stringent environmental and EMI/EMC regulations. The product uses low-profile, high-efficiency antennas and a high-performance positioning and tracking unit, allowing the terminal to be operated anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the diverse needs of its customers, INSTER has developed single band and dual band terminals in X, Ka and Ku frequencies.

The SGoSat family of terminals can also be configured with a wide range of radomes (including ballistic options) to suit customer requirements.