
CSRD compliance management technologies in the ESG context





According to a recent Deloitte report, more than 75% of companies surveyed globally have already begun to implement technology solutions for managing their sustainability reporting, but the challenge remains in consolidating reliable, real-time data. This becomes even more critical with the CSRD, which sets stricter standards and more detailed disclosure requirements than the previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). In sectors such as energy, compliance with CSRD involves not only transparency in carbon emissions, but also a comprehensive transformation in the way companies manage their operations, with a focus on energy efficiency, emissions reduction and resource optimization. In fact, the energy sector has been one of the most impacted by emissions reduction policies, and according to Statista, investments in clean technologies and energy management are expected to increase by 15% annually until 2025.

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The challenge of complying with the CSRD

For large organizations dedicated to innovation and technology, implementing tools to manage compliance with ESG standards is crucial to ensure competitiveness and maintain the confidence of investors and regulators. According to a BloombergNEF (BNEF) report, global investment in the transition to low-carbon technologies reached a record $1.8 trillion in 2023, representing a 17% increase over the previous year. This includes key sectors such as renewable energy, electrified transportation, and new emerging areas such as hydrogen and carbon capture. This figure is expected to continue to rise, with investment in the clean energy supply chain projected to increase to $259 billion by 2025.

The sectors with the highest growth in 2023 were: Electrified transportation, with an investment of US$634 billion (+36%).
Renewable energy, with US$623 billion (+8%).
Investments in electricity grids, which reached US$310 billion
(Source: BloombergNEF)

investment in csrd


How to meet the challenge of complying with the CSRD: the vision of Grupo Oesía

In Grupo Oesía, we firmly believe that sustainability is a strategic opportunity to innovate and lead in the technological sector and for the companies to adopt advanced platforms (such as Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability), which not only allow the compliance with the CSRD regulations, but also enables a real operative optimization in the long term. From our perspective, Grupo Oesía is positioned as a benchmark in the integration of technological solutions that not only generate value for our customers, but also reduce environmental impact and improve social and governance practices within our supply chain and operations. The adoption of platforms allows us to capture, analyze and report sustainability data in real time, providing customers and partners with accurate information on sustainable practices. This facilitates compliance with CSRD requirements and helps us make data-driven strategic decisions to continuously improve our ESG performance.


CSRD Compliance Methodology

To successfully address the challenge of CSRD ESG compliance, we propose the following key lines of action:

Implementation of a cloud-based sustainability platform

Using a platform such as Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability provides a comprehensive view of operational and sustainability data in real time. This platform allows you to centralize information, automate data collection and ensure data accuracy, which is essential to meet CSRD requirements. It also allows you to set targets and track progress on carbon emissions reductions and other ESG indicators.

Integration of sustainability into corporate strategy

Sustainability cannot be seen as an isolated effort. It needs to be integrated in all areas of the company, from operations to growth strategy. In Grupo Oesia we have already started to integrate ESG criteria in our strategic decisions, with the aim of guaranteeing that all our activities comply with the highest sustainability standards.

Training and sensitization of the team

Successful sustainability management also depends on the training of teams at all levels. It is essential that all collaborators understand the importance of sustainability and are trained in the use of technology platforms, to ensure effective compliance with the CSRD, since solutions adapted to the ESG process of each Company can be deployed and can be complemented with AI to incorporate own predictive models, and the process of external Reporting to the Authorities and internal, for the needs of Objectives, action plans or to “what-if” scenarios is customized.

Collaboration with key partners and stakeholders

Sustainability is a challenge that must be approached in a collaborative way. In Grupo Oesía, we understand that working with our strategic partners and stakeholders is fundamental for the success of our ESG strategy. This collaboration allows us to not only meet regulatory requirements, but also to drive a broader transformation in our industry.



The implementation of the CSRD directive in the European Union has redefined the regulatory framework, requiring companies to manage and report their sustainability activities in a more rigorous manner. This approach covers not only financial impact, but also ESG (environmental, social and governance) aspects, forcing organizations to adopt advanced technological solutions to ensure efficient management of these reports. The need to consolidate accurate and real-time data is a key challenge, especially in sectors such as energy, where investment in clean technologies is essential to meet regulatory and investor expectations. Faced with this scenario, companies like Grupo Oesía are betting for their customers to adopt technological platforms to integrate sustainability in their operational and growth strategies. This methodology not only facilitates compliance with the CSRD, but also allows to optimize operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and improve governance practices. Through team training, collaboration with key partners and the use of advanced digital tools, these organizations not only comply with regulations, but also lead a strategic transformation towards a more sustainable future.

Javier Vinuesa, Director of the Oesia Group Cloud Competence Center.

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Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoSat is a family of high-tech SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) terminals that are installed in a vehicle, providing the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

The SGoSat family is composed of versatile terminals, which can be installed on any type of platform: trains and buses, military and/or government vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc. Originally designed for the military sector, SGoSat terminals are extremely reliable and robust, integrating high-performance components that comply with the most stringent environmental and EMI/EMC regulations. The product uses low-profile, high-efficiency antennas and a high-performance positioning and tracking unit, allowing the terminal to be operated anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the diverse needs of its customers, INSTER has developed single band and dual band terminals in X, Ka and Ku frequencies.

The SGoSat family of terminals can also be configured with a wide range of radomes (including ballistic options) to suit customer requirements.