about us

Management team


The capital stock of Grupo Oesía is controlled by the Chairman (98.5%) and the Chief Executive Officer (1.5%) through the companies Heisenberg 2014 (90%) and Heisenberg Five (10%).

Both companies took control of the Oesia Group within the framework of a Buy In Management Buy Out (BIMBO) operation, which has allowed the former reference shareholders (mainly financial institutions) to leave the company’s capital.

With the assumption of control by its managers, Grupo Oesía started a new stage that has already borne fruit, consolidating itself in the business market as a 100% Spanish capital company, Tier2 and leader in different technological aspects relevant to the national sovereignty of our country.

The BIMBO transaction contemplates the participation of up to 10% of the value of Grupo Oesía in the company’s management.

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