Privacy and Cookies Policy

Through this Privacy and Cookies Policy, Grupo Oesía (or “Oesía“) intends to guarantee the right to privacy and protection of personal data of the USERS, explaining them in a loyal and transparent way, the way in which it collects, uses, shares and protects their personal information.

Therefore, and in accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter.LOPDGDD), and following the recommendations of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (or “Agencia Española de Protección de Datos”).AEPD“), Grupo Oesía informs you of the following:

RESPONSIBLE: Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

2.- PURPOSES OF THE PROCESSING: For what purpose do we process your personal data?

We will then inform you of the purposes of the processing of personal data collected through contact forms, mails you send to our public mail accounts, and other mechanisms that we may make available to you:

  • Send you technical, operational and commercial information about the products, activities and services in which you are interested, and other information that may be of interest to you.
  • To attend and manage your requests, doubts and comments.
  • Establish and/or maintain a contractual or business relationship with you, if applicable.
  • To carry out statistical studies that allow us to improve our services.

If other purposes apply, you will be informed of this, as well as other information required by applicable law, at the time we request your personal data. In addition, some of our services have their own Privacy Policy, as is the case of personnel selection processes.

LEGITIMACY: What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the USER’S CONSENT.

The sending of personal data by the USERS through the use of the electronic forms of Oesía Group, by checking the acceptance box of the privacy policy, or if applicable, the sending of e-mail messages, implies the sender’s consent to the processing of personal data. The personal information collected in forms may vary depending on the services used, in any case, all data requested are necessary for the provision of the service. If voluntary fields are available, you will be informed.

Oesia Group does not use “spamming” techniques and will only treat the data transmitted by the USER. Likewise, the USER guarantees that he/she is over 14 years of age and that the personal data provided are truthful, undertaking to communicate any change in them. In the event that the data refer to persons other than the USER, the USER guarantees to have obtained their prior consent and to have informed them of this policy.

If we need to process your data for purposes unrelated to the above, we will inform you of this and, where appropriate, ask for your additional consent, unless there is another legitimate basis for the processing.

4.- RECIPIENTS: To which recipients will your data be communicated?

If necessary, we will share USER information with personnel involved in providing information about the products and services you have requested. Also in case there is any legal obligation or authorization by judges, courts, government agencies or any public entity. In no event will we disclose the information to any other third party without informing you and requesting your additional consent, unless there is another legitimate basis for doing so.

International data transfers outside the European Economic Area are not foreseen, in case they are required, Grupo Oesia will guarantee an adequate level of protection complying with the mechanisms and guarantees established in the regulations for such situations.

5.- INFORMATION SECURITY: How do we protect your personal data?

Oesia Group works continuously to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the USERS’ personal data and to avoid its alteration, loss, inadequate treatment or unauthorized access as required by the regulations.

6.- DATA RETENTION PERIOD: How long will we keep your data?

USERS’ personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from that purpose and the processing of the data.

The deletion of the data implies that we will keep the cancelled data in a blocked way, which will imply the identification and reservation of the same, in such a way that they cannot be treated or accessed except to make them available to the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, to attend the possible responsibilities arising from the relationship with the USER, and until the expiration of such responsibilities. Once this period has elapsed, the data will be definitively deleted. The blocked data can only be accessed by those persons authorized for the purposes indicated. If the law does not establish any retention period, we will proceed to the final disposal of such information, within a period not exceeding two (2) years after the end of the relationship established with you.

7.- RIGHTS: What are your rights when you provide your data and how can you exercise them?

The USERS have the right to obtain confirmation if their personal data are being treated in Grupo Oesía. They also have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, you will be able to oppose to the treatment of your data and to ask for the limitation of the treatment of your data, in such case Grupo Oesía will stop treating the data, except for imperious legitimate reasons, or the exercise or the defense of possible claims. They may also exercise the right to data portability, as well as withdraw the consents provided at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

These rights can be exercised at any time, and free of charge, through written communication to Grupo Oesía, S.L., C/ Marie Curie, nº 19, 28521, ATT. DPO, Rivas Vaciamadrid, or through the e-mail address: providing a document proving your identity and including the following data (name, surname, validity of the document) and being able to hide the rest of the data not required, and identifying the right requested in relation to the treatment carried out by Grupo Oesía. In the event that you consider that you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


  • What is a Cookie?

Cookies are files containing small amounts of data that are downloaded to the USER’s browser when accessing a web page. Its main purpose is to recognize the user each time you access the Web Site, allowing store and retrieve data from previous visits.

  • What types of Cookies can we have in Grupo Oesía?

FunctionalTechnical cookies that allow the USER to navigate through the website and allow the management and operation of the same.

Statistics: Cookies that allow the party responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of the USERS of the websites to which they are linked.

Marketing: Cookies that store information on the behavior of USERS, which allows the person responsible for them to develop a specific profile to display advertising, manage preferences, etc.

  • What cookies do we currently have in Grupo Oesía?

Below we provide information on the type of cookies used on

  • Additional information about the purposes of the cookies used:

Grupo Oesía only collects the following data for internal statistical purposes: date of the first visit, number of times visited, date of the last visit, URL and domain from which it comes from, explorer used and screen resolution. For this purpose we use third party cookies, specifically, the statistical information elaborated by “Google Analytics”. In this sense Grupo Oesía does not use cookies to collect personal information of the USERS, nor registers the IP addresses of access. The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated to a specific and identified USER.

YouTube” cookies are used for the correct integration of videos on our website. While these cookies are predominantly Marketing cookies, at this time, and only temporarily, they are categorized as Functional as we are working to fix some functional issues that prevent saving USER preferences.

You can learn more about the purpose of third-party cookies and how to delete them by following the links below:

  • Acceptance, modification and revocation of consent cookies:

The USER has the option to customize cookie preferences at any time by placing the mouse pointer on the white drop-down link at the bottom left of the page “Configure cookie consent”. In this regard we inform that functional cookies are used to provide our services and for this reason cannot be disabled.

The USER can also prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in his/her browser. In this regard, it is important to note that if third party cookies are accepted, they should be deleted from the system offered by the third party itself (see the links in the previous section), or from the browser options. In each browser the configuration is different, the USER can find detailed information for each browser in the following links:


Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoSat is a family of high-tech SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) terminals that are installed in a vehicle, providing the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

The SGoSat family is composed of versatile terminals, which can be installed on any type of platform: trains and buses, military and/or government vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc. Originally designed for the military sector, SGoSat terminals are extremely reliable and robust, integrating high-performance components that comply with the most stringent environmental and EMI/EMC regulations. The product uses low-profile, high-efficiency antennas and a high-performance positioning and tracking unit, allowing the terminal to be operated anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the diverse needs of its customers, INSTER has developed single band and dual band terminals in X, Ka and Ku frequencies.

The SGoSat family of terminals can also be configured with a wide range of radomes (including ballistic options) to suit customer requirements.