

We are committed to comprehensive training based on

learning for those who will take care of us in the future.

It is a simulation platform of the hospital environment where teachers and students can interact with each other through the areas of the application.

It offers personalized attention through a comprehensive approach, in line with the main current teaching methodologies, and adaptable to problem-based learning.

Benefits of Gacela Formation

Of the student’s learning process.


Individual attention

Through an integrated approach.

Knowledge orientation

For the future work model.

Motivation and development

Competencies, skills and abilities.

Training on design and preparation of care plans

Based on scientific evidence and clinical judgment.

Standard methodological support

The international leader in nursing.

Facilitates the use of plans

Standard care, clinical pathways, protocols…


It adapts to any nursing taxonomy such as NANDA, NIC, NOC, ICNP…

Who trusts us

Improved capabilities


of your health center

Contact our Digital Health specialists and they will advise you on what is best for your center.


+34 91 309 86 00


Family of SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) terminals for vehicular installation and stable mobile connection

SGoSat is a family of high-tech SOTM (Satellite Comms On The Move) terminals that are installed in a vehicle, providing the ability to target and maintain a stable connection to the satellite when the vehicle is in motion in any type of conditions.

The SGoSat family is composed of versatile terminals, which can be installed on any type of platform: trains and buses, military and/or government vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc. Originally designed for the military sector, SGoSat terminals are extremely reliable and robust, integrating high-performance components that comply with the most stringent environmental and EMI/EMC regulations. The product uses low-profile, high-efficiency antennas and a high-performance positioning and tracking unit, allowing the terminal to be operated anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the diverse needs of its customers, INSTER has developed single band and dual band terminals in X, Ka and Ku frequencies.

The SGoSat family of terminals can also be configured with a wide range of radomes (including ballistic options) to suit customer requirements.