Consulting industry urges immediate implementation of Draghi and Letta reports to revitalize Europe

The Spanish Association of Consulting Firms (AEC) has brought together experts from 9 of its member firms to analyze the roadmap for Spain and the EU. Luis Furnells, executive president of Grupo Oesía, has highlighted the potential of the defense industry as an engine of European innovation and competitiveness. The event was also attended by […]
Oesia Group participates in the VI Andalusia Investor Day Forum organized by El Confidencial

Last Wednesday, September 25, Seville hosted the VI Foro Andalucía Investor Day, an event organized by El Confidencial that has established itself as a key meeting point for relevant public and private actors in the region. The event was attended by Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, president of the Junta de Andalucía. Throughout the four round […]
UVigo and Grupo Oesía start a new chair focused on the field of communication technologies.
It will pay special attention to the field of applied radiofrequency. The rector and the executive president of Grupo Oesía signed this Thursday the collaboration agreement between both entities. Vigo, September 12, 2024 – The University of Vigo expands this year its network of chairs with the signing of a new agreement with Grupo […]
Grupo Oesía presents record results and its investment plan in Castilla La Mancha
The economic results of Grupo Oesía in 2023 have been excellent, particularly in Castilla-La Mancha, where it already represents 1.2% of the industrial GDP of the region. The company highlights its firm, solid and forward-looking commitment to Castilla-La Mancha, with an investment plan of 50 million euros over the next four years. Madrid, July […]
Grupo Oesía improves its credit rating and renews its promissory notes program in MARF
EthiFinance Ratings upgrades Grupo Oesía’s rating from “BB” to “BB+”. The new rating is based on the strong attractiveness of the sectors where Grupo Oesía operates, as well as on factors such as competitive positioning, structure, sales and profitability of the company. Madrid, June 27, 2024 – Grupo Oesía, a multinational company dedicated to […]
Grupo Oesía achieves record results for second consecutive year
In 2023, revenues amounted to EUR 222 million and EBITDA to EUR 26.7 million. In the last two years alone, turnover has multiplied by 1.5x, EBITDA has doubled (2x) and net profit has tripled (3x). A sound strategy based on hyper-specialization, investment in dual disruptive technologies, technology partnerships with industry leaders and internationalization has driven […]
Grupo Oesía publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report
The Report highlights the establishment of the ESG Master Plan 2024-2026, which defines an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) roadmap. Madrid, May 14, 2024 – Grupo Oesía, a Spanish multinational specialized in dual-use technological and digital engineering, has presented its Sustainability Report 2023 in which it summarizes all the Group’s ESG initiatives. The 2023 […]
Grupo Oesía and the Polytechnic University of Madrid create a chair on Talent and Technological Innovation.
With the creation of this Chair, Grupo Oesía reinforces its commitment with innovation, promoting continuous learning and research in disruptive technologies. The participation of Grupo Oesía within the Chair will be focused on the University Master in Distributed and Embedded Systems Software of the UPM. Madrid, May 6, 2024 – Oesía Group, leader in […]
Grupo Oesía formalizes its incorporation to CEOE to promote technological innovation and digital transformation of Spanish companies.
The multinational technology company Grupo Oesía has formalized its adhesion to the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) to promote technological innovation and digital transformation of Spanish companies. The technology company, which began its relationship with the employers’ association a few months ago, sees in this alliance an opportunity to generate new synergies between the […]
Luis Furnells, executive president of Grupo Oesía, receives the Aeronautical Cross of Merit.
The purpose of the decoration is to recognize actions, deeds or services of outstanding merit or importance related to the military institution. This high distinction is awarded to the president of the Spanish technology company in recognition of his role in promoting industry collaboration with the Spanish Air and Space Force. Madrid, March 15, […]
Grupo Oesía inaugurates a center specialized in aerospace technology in the Free Trade Zone of Vigo
The Group’s new headquarters are backed by the Xunta de Galicia and represent a further step in Vigo’s firm commitment to innovation. 40 professionals with a high technological profile will be part of the Oesia Group’s headquarters for the development of Euromale, the future European drone, among other projects. Vigo, December 13, 2023. – […]
Grupo Oesía y Athelic Club Fundazioa firman un acuerdo de colaboración
El acuerdo contempla un periodo de tres años y la multinacional tecnológica adopta el estatus de ‘socio Gran Protector’. Bilbao, 13 de marzo de 2023.- Grupo Oesía, multinacional dedicada a la ingeniería tecnológica y digital, con más de 22 años de trayectoria en Euskadi, ha firmado un acuerdo marco por un periodo de tres […]
La Secretaria de Estado de Defensa visita el Centro Tecnológico de Tecnobit-Grupo Oesía
La multinacional tecnológica española estuvo presente en el reciente encuentro entre la industria de defensa y el Gobierno propiciado por la SEDEF Madrid, 3 de febrero de 2023.- La secretaria de Estado de Defensa, María Amparo Valcarce ha visitado el Centro Tecnológico de Tecnobit-Grupo Oesía en Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real. Este encuentro se produce en […]
Paloma Beamonte se incorpora a la tecnológica Grupo Oesía para impulsar su modelo humano y de cultura corporativa
Paloma Beamonte ocupa la dirección corporativa de Capital intangible. Reforzará la apuesta de la compañía por el talento y su consolidación entre los grupos tecnológicos de referencia en España. Madrid, 19 de octubre de 2022.- Grupo Oesía, multinacional de capital 100% privado y español, dedicada a la Ingeniería industrial y digital, incorpora a su comité […]
Robotización y tecnología biométrica claves para mejorar la eficiencia en seguros
Expertos de Grupo Oesía, ICEA, UIPath y Veridas exponen las claves para la transformación digital de los servicios del sector seguros en una jornada organizada por Grupo Oesía e ICEA. La experiencia del cliente mejora con la implantación de soluciones de automatización, incrementando así la eficiencia del negocio en sus procesos de customer services. […]