Grupo Oesía incorporates anti-jamming capacity to its FoldSat satellite terminal.
The first portable user terminal certified by Eutelsat OneWeb, complying with NATO military standards, has passed Inhibition Resistance tests carried out at INTA. Madrid, March 13th, 2025. – Grupo Oesía, a multinational company dedicated to dual-use digital and industrial engineering, has incorporated to its SatCom FoldSat terminal the exclusive and novel capacity to transmit […]
Grupo Oesía presents its technological innovations in satellite communications at SATELLITE
The FoldSat and Sailsat terminals and the SGoSat uPro antenna are some of the proposals shown by Inster, the brand of Grupo Oesía specialized in satellite communications. Madrid, March 12, 2025. – Inster-Grupo Oesía exhibits its satellite mobility solutions for military and civilian applications at SATELLITE, the most important international fair of the sector. […]
Grupo Oesía shows its dual-use technological innovations in IDEX
IDEX is the leading trade fair for the defense sector in the Middle East and North Africa region. The Spanish multinational exhibits its developments in simulation, optronic systems, tactical, secure and satellite communications and photonic technology. Abu Dhabi, February 19th, 2025. Grupo Oesía, a multinational company dedicated to digital and industrial engineering of dual […]
Oesia Group develops an innovative satellite communications system for maritime rescue
The onboard system facilitates the management of offshore emergency operations, with the transmission of high quality video in real time via Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications. The work was carried out within the framework of the iSAR Project, a collaboration between the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and Maritime Rescue, co-financed by the […]
Grupo Oesía and Thales ratify their collaboration agreement at Eurosatory 2024
The agreement deepens the synergies between the two companies in technology development for the defence, security, aerospace, naval, digital transformation and cybersecurity sectors. The collaboration envisages the development and commercialisation of dual technologies using complementary products from both companies to compete internationally. The signing took place at Eurosatory, where Grupo Oesía is presenting disruptive technologies […]
Oesia Group presents at SATELLITE its novelties for the satellite and space industry.
The event, which brings together leading members of the world’s satellite and space industry, is being held in Washington from March 18 to 21. Grupo Oesía will exhibit its latest solutions for the sector, with which it continues to demonstrate its commitment to disruptive technologies. Madrid, March 18, 2024. – Grupo Oesía will exhibit […]
CORSARIO Project: The satellite communications system to be used in helicopters of the future
A project subsidized by the CDTI and supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, within the Aeronautical Technology Program 2023, under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. Led by Inster-Grupo Oesía and with the participation of Airbus Helicopters Spain, Tecnobit-Grupo Oesía and ANZEN Engineering as business partners. Its objective is to develop a […]
Spanish technology adds new portable device for special operations to the New Space revolution
Inster-Grupo Oesía manufactures the new foldable device for the OneWeb constellation, designed primarily for military operations and emergency response. Madrid, January 18, 2024 – Inster-Grupo Oesía has been selected by OneWeb for the development and manufacturing of its portable satellite terminals, which provide new connectivity capabilities in both military operations and emergency response teams […]
Inster-Grupo Oesía presenta en Satellite un novedoso sistema de antenas para satélites LEO
SGoPack COTP (Comms On the Pause) es un novedoso sistema de antenas ESA (Electronically Steereable Antenna) de panel plano para satélites LEO (Low Earth Orbit). SATELLITE 2023, el principal evento internacional sobre tecnología satelital ha sido el marco elegido por la tecnológica para su lanzamiento. Madrid, 13 de marzo de 2023.- Inster–Grupo Oesía, la […]
Inster – Grupo Oesía desarrollará el proyecto Comunicaciones 5G para el mantenimiento de la paz y la defensa
Integrará el consorcio de empresas europeas que desarrollará este importante proyecto europeo de defensa denominado 5G COMPAD y que sentará las bases del estándar 5G para aplicaciones militares. Inster – Grupo Oesía será responsable de las redes no terrestres (NTN – Non Terrestrial Networks) y su integración en el ecosistema 5G. La Comisión Europea, […]
Grupo Oesía consolidates its capabilities in communications and positions itself as a reference in the market after acquiring Inster from Grupo CPS
Extends its strength in the field of secure tactical communications in land, naval and air mobility environments. INSTER joins the brands Tecnobit and UAV Navigation, boosting the export potential of Spanish technology and consolidating its competitive prominence for future national and international programs, such as Eurodron, SIRTAP, A400M or TIGRE. Madrid, July 6, 2022. Grupo […]
El ministro de Comercio, Industria y Energía de Corea del Sur visita nuestras instalaciones
El ministro de Comercio, Industria y Energía de Corea del Sur, Excmo. Sr. Moon Sungwook, nos visita, para conocer el avance del desarrollo de un terminal de comunicaciones satelitales de baja órbita (LEO) para el Nuevo Espacio en el marco de la colaboración en I+D entre España y Corea del Sur. El concepto Nuevo […]
INSTER obtiene la certificación de su sistema de gestión de calidad según las norma UNE EN 9100:2018
“Sistemas de gestión de calidad. Requisitos para las organizaciones de aviación, espaciales y de defensa” INSTER Tecnología y Comunicaciones S.AU. comprometida con la mejora continua de sus procesos, ha obtenido la certificación de su sistema de gestión de calidad cumpliendo con los requisitos de la norma UNE EN 9100:2018 “Sistemas de gestión de calidad. […]
INSTER revoluciona los Sistemas de Acceso Fijo por Radio con su renovado sistema SGoAir
La demanda de servicios de banda ancha se duplica cada tres años, por lo que el desarrollo de equipos de alta capacidad de tráfico representa una ventaja competitiva. Partiendo de las nuevas cabeceras de DOCSIS 3.1, con hasta 1 GHz de ancho de banda, INSTER ha desarrollado el sistema radio punto-multipunto con mayor ancho de […]
Inster desarrolla junto con Airbus un terminal “satcom on the move”
El diseño ha sido aprobado por el Ministerio de Defensa de Francia y contempla la entrega de una unidad operacional instalada sobre vehículo a principios del 2021. El terminal tendrá como objetivo dotar de comunicaciones satelitales en movilidad a los nuevos vehículos blindados del programa Scorpion del Ejército de Tierra de Francia. El sistema, diseñado […]