Aerospace and Defense
Creating Technology for the Future Digital Terrestrial Power

Elena Morgade
Managing Director
Intelligent Vision
Intelligent Vision integrated by the functional chain of electro-optical sensors (visual and infrared spectrum), processing and intelligent image melting (intelligent Infra-red Search and Tracking – IRST systems) from multiple sensors and disruptive systems (through 3D and augmented reality systems) of presentation of the processed image to the operators and to the combatant (multifunction intelligent terminals).
Secure and resilient tactical communications
Secure and resilient tactical ground and air-to-surface communications formed by the functional chain of data link processors (Datalink) in NATO and non-NATO formats, key generators, encryptors and key distribution systems, multi-platform and multi-domain, integrated in the terrestrial tactical cloud, including algorithms resistant to quantum computing.
Advanced synthetic training
Advanced synthetic training through field artillery simulators and tank duel simulators, which provide simulation capabilities in real environments (live fire – Life) virtual (simulated firing – Virtual) and constructive (staff and simulated systems – Constructive), as well as helicopter simulators for training, navigation and maintenance.
Modular electronic systems
Versatile modular electronic systems with high processing capabilities applying advanced HW / SW electronics concepts for the development of computers and operating SW based on integrated modular avionics (IMA) for critical applications of autonomous systems: Autopilots, Autotesting Navigation, Communications and other functions
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence applied to unmanned ground vehicles ( Unmanned Ground Vehicles – UGVs) in support of manned platforms and the warfighter, to enable effective interoperability between manned and unmanned systems.
Who trusts us
Tactical and Secure Communications
Satellite Communications
Avionics and Space
for Terrestrial
for Terrestrial
Cybersecurity and Encryption
Supply Chain and Warehouse
We provide national operational, technological and industrial sovereignty.
Complete cycle of our
Covering the complete cycle of our products allows us to adapt our systems to the electronics and security requirements of your project.
Improved capabilities
of your organization
Contact our specialists and they will advise you on what is best for your company.
+34 91 309 86 00