The relevance of the PAZ satellite on its 5th anniversary
On February 22nd, the PAZ satellite, one of the main sources of pride for the Spanish space industry, celebrated its 5th anniversary, and we celebrated it in style, as it should be. Paz is the first Spanish Earth observation satellite using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) included in the PNOTS (National Satellite OT Program). The launch […]
Combat cloud or tactical cloud, the future of defense is already here
Nothing new under the sun Since ancient times, the quality, quantity, speed and timeliness of information have been key to the development of military conflicts. One of the bases of the success of the Roman legions was the information available to the troops on the battlefield. Each centurion was as knowledgeable about the battle plan […]
Development, production and support of avionics equipment for various types of aircraft units.
Survivability of unmanned aircraft in hostile environments
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has convulsed the geopolitics of the region with a still unforeseeable impact on the rest of the world. Our environment has become much more unstable and has taken us back to times we thought were over in Europe, at least since the Balkan conflicts three decades ago. The threats arising […]
Aerospace and Defense Aeronautics Aerospace and Defense Creating technology for the Future of Digital Air Power Andres Garcia Managing Director Intelligent Vision Intelligent Vision integrated by the functional chain of electro-optical sensors (visual and infrared spectrum), processing and intelligent image melting (intelligent Infra-red Search and Tracking – IRST systems ). From multiple sensors and disruptive […]